Tuesday 26 March 2013

Favorites from my collection 1.............

One of my all time favorites and the powerhouse of my green white aura deck is the Aura Gnarlid!

Coupled with cards such as rancor, Aura Gnarlid can dominate very early in the game. It cant be blocked by creatures with less power. By turn 3 with rancor's help, this creature can be a 5/3.....few creatures can block it this early in the game.

The more auras you drop on it and other creatures in your army, the more powerful it becomes! Now to enhance this virtually unblockable, powerful creature.........trample does the job nicely! Cards such as Armadillo Cloak, Epic Proportions and Mythic Proportions can do just that!

Add another 3 Aura Gnarlids to your aura deck and your opponents will have a game on their hands! The Aura Gnarlids work great with Kor Spiritdancer and Yavimaya Enchantress, which also ramp up with enchantments and auras!!

The Aura Gnarlid, a must have card for any legacy/casual deck...........

Sunday 24 March 2013


We cast our magic decks to the side last week at my gaming club, as we were being attacked by zombies.....

My friend from http://20thcenturywargames.blogspot.com/ brought in his zombie tabletop game for us all to try........

The zombie action was great! Our heroes put up a great fight, but in the end we were over run!

They had us pinned down in the local corner store.......

Looking forward to taking on the zombies again soon!!!!

Sunday 10 March 2013

local supplier

We finally have a good local magic supplier in my home town...... Just picked up a magic comic which comes with a cool rare!! Happy days!!!

Azorius rules!!

The Azorius Guild and their Return to Ravnica ability of detain is also an excellent style of game play. Once again, it focuses on controlling the game rather then aggressive attacking strategies. 

Unlike other blue decks, my azorius deck has plenty of creatures in it to make use of the detain ability. 

 Azorius Arrester can begin detaining early on in the game, I run with 4 Lyev Skynights as my main detain soldiers, Azorius Justicar are also a worthy option as they can detain 2 creatures when they enter the Battlefield. Soulsworn spirit can detain and is unblockable. New Prahv Guildmage is a cheap hitter early in the game, but his detain ability is rather expensive. Later in the game Archon of the Triumvirate does a great job of detaining 2 permanents an opponent controls!!

To aid my creatures, I also run with Inaction Injunction and Martial Law which is a key enchantment in my deck.

To allow me to get the best out of my creatures with the detain ability, I have used cards such as Restoration Angel, Deadeye Navigator, Nephalia Smuggler and ghostly flicker. These creatures and spells allow my detain creatures to be exiled and then returned to the battlefield. Therefore they can detain again.

I use dramatic rescue and Faerie Imposter to return cards like Restoration Angel back to my hand, to allow the detain ability to be carried out yet again.

Arrest and detention sphere remove/neutralize threats from the battlefield.

I use cards such as Syncopate, Judges Familiar, Isperia, Supreme Judge to help control. If all goes wrong and I am being overwhelmed, Supreme Verdict is there to even out the playing field. Azor Elocutors provide a great distraction, whilst Palisade Giant can take some serious heat!

Again Syncopate artwork is awesome......

If all goes well......Azorius law and order will prevail!

Monday 4 March 2013

Winning on a budget......

If you are new to the game or would like to build a cheaper deck that is extremely competitive, then goblins are your answer. You can build a casual/legacy goblin deck for 20 bucks and still win games! I think this is a far better start then an intro pack!

My budget goblin deck has a twist to it.......

like all goblin decks the core to its success is the cheap mana cards, these cards can build up and hit early in the game. They also provide cheap blockers through the game. I have used cards like, goblin fireslinger, boros recruit, goblin mountaineer, goblin arsonist, krenkos command and mogg war marshal. Really just use any cheap goblins you can get your hands on, there is a wide selection here.

Mogg Flunkies are a must have in any goblin deck (or aggro deck) as they are a 3/3 for only 2 mana.

Goblins are also very good at producing more goblins, you can create a overwhelming army quite fast. This deck is centred around 'empy the warrens' and its storm ability. I have added 8 or 9, 0 mana artifacts to take advantage of the storm ability. If you are able to save up enough 0 cost spells, you can unleash a goblin horde of upto 18 goblins in a single turn.

I have also included 'grapeshot' to use the storm ability to inflict damage the same way.

Now you have all these goblins, what to do with them? Sacrifice them of course!! Cards such as Tar Pitcher, Kuldotha rebirth and Arms dealer can inflict damage and/or generate even more goblins. Goblin Grenade would be even better but I dont have any yet.

To increase the sacrifice ability of the goblins, I have thrown in some hissing iguanars to deal even more damage.

For more bang for your buck I have included mana makers such as Brightstone Ritual to use in conjunction with fireball........

To remain budget conscious, I have only added to rares to the deck, Vedalken Orrery which allows me to play all nonland cards like an instant and Coat of arms to level up your goblin horde.

I have found burst of speed works well with this line up as well......

This should have you winning games on a budget!