Monday 4 March 2013

Winning on a budget......

If you are new to the game or would like to build a cheaper deck that is extremely competitive, then goblins are your answer. You can build a casual/legacy goblin deck for 20 bucks and still win games! I think this is a far better start then an intro pack!

My budget goblin deck has a twist to it.......

like all goblin decks the core to its success is the cheap mana cards, these cards can build up and hit early in the game. They also provide cheap blockers through the game. I have used cards like, goblin fireslinger, boros recruit, goblin mountaineer, goblin arsonist, krenkos command and mogg war marshal. Really just use any cheap goblins you can get your hands on, there is a wide selection here.

Mogg Flunkies are a must have in any goblin deck (or aggro deck) as they are a 3/3 for only 2 mana.

Goblins are also very good at producing more goblins, you can create a overwhelming army quite fast. This deck is centred around 'empy the warrens' and its storm ability. I have added 8 or 9, 0 mana artifacts to take advantage of the storm ability. If you are able to save up enough 0 cost spells, you can unleash a goblin horde of upto 18 goblins in a single turn.

I have also included 'grapeshot' to use the storm ability to inflict damage the same way.

Now you have all these goblins, what to do with them? Sacrifice them of course!! Cards such as Tar Pitcher, Kuldotha rebirth and Arms dealer can inflict damage and/or generate even more goblins. Goblin Grenade would be even better but I dont have any yet.

To increase the sacrifice ability of the goblins, I have thrown in some hissing iguanars to deal even more damage.

For more bang for your buck I have included mana makers such as Brightstone Ritual to use in conjunction with fireball........

To remain budget conscious, I have only added to rares to the deck, Vedalken Orrery which allows me to play all nonland cards like an instant and Coat of arms to level up your goblin horde.

I have found burst of speed works well with this line up as well......

This should have you winning games on a budget!

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