The purpose of this deck, like most blue decks is to control the game. It gains the upper hand by disrupting an opponents usual rhythm and play style.
Fog bank provides me with early defenses, one of my fav blue cards. Provides perfect cover for only 2 mana. Makes it very difficult for ur opponent at any stage of the game!
I am running a full compliment of rune snag, a counter spell for 2 the forth spell your opponent has to pay 6 to stop it. This makes it viable late in the game as well!
Griptide with dream twist provide a great way to cycle problem cards from the battlefield to the graveyard.

devastation tide, cyclonic rift, spelltwine and stolen goods are some of the decks hard hitters!
There are not many creatures in my line up....... I have included shapeshifters marrow to use their creatures against them!
These artifacts add an interesting twist to the game!!
I round the deck out with cheap mana commons such as unsummon, curiosity, silent departure, early frost and ponder..... ice cage and curse of chains do well to.
I finish it all off with 'reminisce' so I can do it all again!!
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